100 Days of Joy (a)

Joya Dass
3 min readAug 1, 2021

Sparked by Charlie Bleecker’s blog post

This picture was taken at a LadyDrinks event several years ago. It was a mother-daughter event at Dylan’s Candy Bar in midtown. I don’t know what the kids were looking at, but I still marvel at how much joy was captured in this one click.


I read a blog post by Charlie Bleecker called “100 days of joy.” In it, he challenged himself to do something for 100 days. Something that didn’t make him money. Something that didn’t get him a job or a promotion. Something that just gave him joy.


For him, it was lip syncing.


When he first started, he thought “Oh my god this is ridiculous.”

Friends said, “You must have a lot of time on your hands.”

But — by the 100th day, something else happened.


He didn’t make more money. His bank balance didn’t increase. He didn’t get a job or a promotion.

But a feeling had come over him.


He was filled with so much joy. His cup was so filled up. That he felt he could conquer the world.


Women ask me all the time: How can I get more confidence? This is how.

Acknowledge that we are programmed to put our own personal development last. Just this week I got an email from a member asking to pause membership because of ‘kids, job, move, insert the excuse.’ What would happen if you dedicated one hour a week to your own personal development? Just one hour? To your own joy? What if you were bigger than your excuse? What would happen if you worked harder on yourself — than your job?


You say, “But how?”

Sit down and make a list. Make a list of the things you loved to do as a kid. Was it coloring? Was it kicking a soccer ball? Mine was bike riding.


This week can you invest one hour researching and working on the one thing that absolutely intrigues you and fascinates you the most? The one thing you so badly would love to get involved in or do if money or whatever excuse you can think of simply wasn’t in the way! And schedule it in.


Schedule it or it won’t happen.

Build a life you don’t need to take a vacation from. (Seth Godin)


If you worked on the things that light you up, where could that take you?


I’ll tell you about what I’m doing to spark joy this week.

I’m taking Monday afternoon off (gasp!) to spend time with a friend and get pedicures.


Listen. The excuses about why I shouldn’t do the above are all screaming at me from my planner. But I’m now wise enough to know this one hour of joy will get me much further than sitting at my desk.

Let’s see what you come up with.

🎙 Want to learn how to book your first speaking gig? I have my tips for you in this link: https://joyadass.hubspotpagebuilder.com/how-to-book-a-speaking-gig. My tip sheet is also in my bio.

I’m hosting my next public speaking masterclass for 7 corporate women who are building their personal brand. Starts Sept 29th.




Joya Dass
Joya Dass

Written by Joya Dass

If you have a goal and want the steps to make it your reality, I have a solution. www.joyadass.com

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