As the new year kicks off, I’m creating a vision board of my goals for 2020. The purpose of a vision board is to realize everything on it: relationships, career and finances, home, travel, personal growth
While there is initial intention and energy spent in making the board and placing it in a spot I see every day, the real key is the **consistency** in visualizing everything as if it already is.
I thought about my values.
I like to be on time because it’s a sign of respect to the other party. I follow through with my word unless its an extreme situation. I am reliable.
I am loyal. I like to talk about important things openly. I like to save for a rainy day. I like ‘fewer better things,’ rather than alot of material things.
Career goals. To engage in writing daily. To finish my book and get it published. I want to be able to work from anywhere in the world. Blog. Video blog. I am thankful for all the Public Speaking opportunities coming my way.
Family life. Marriage. Airedale Terrier named George. A townhouse with room for all of my beautiful coffee table books to be displayed.
Love life. Communication. Conversation. Sharing. Shared friends. Be impeccably dressed. Food. Wine. Culture.
Health & Wellness. Workout the first 60min of the day. 2L Water daily. Vitamins. Sleep. No sugar.
How you spend your free time. Travel the world. Spend time with friends. Reading great books and seeing great independent film.
What you want to learn or grow into. A life in another country (Paris, Madrid) a few months out of the year and in New York City.