The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. No matter how carefully a project is planned, something may still go wrong with it. The saying is adapted from a line in “To a Mouse,” by Robert Burns
I’ve been planning a #ladyDrinks event at the @louvre in #Paris since — June 2018. The event is at 6pm tomorrow Friday April 12th, 2019. Ten of us are scheduled to go on a private tour of the #Louvre of women-only artists. #Women weren’t afforded the ability or the training to become #artists for many many years. Art Historian Saskia Haskelaar will share the stories of the French women who were the first to overcome these hurdles and become bankable artists anyway.
All the ladies attending my event from New York have already flown out. I was the last one in. Still tying up the bows on the last minute details for Paris — -from New York.
“The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.”
I got to #Newarkairport my standard 3.5 hours early last night. @Flywithlevel, without any notice, or any announcement, had cancelled the flight. Young women, men, children, pretty, stout, stylisth — — were standing around, slackjawed, without direction on next steps. Wringing their hands over their own best laid plans. One smart man collected everyone’s emails and emailed the CEO of @FlywithLevel #VincentHodder with a factual synopsis of events and the lack of direction provided. A spokesperson for @flywithlevel came back with “We can book you on a flight Friday April 12th.”
The best laid plans are foiled. I came back home.
As my mindset coach @jengroover would say, “There is a gift here.” I’ve been engaged in alot of mind body work, and am truly surprised how much of it kicked in. I took a deep breath and let go. After all, attachment to anything in this life is the source of pain. My mantra was last night and this morning “We will get there. We will get there.”
I have rebooked us on @XLAirways and will be getting into Paris just as my first event goes off at 2pm.
I am grateful for my persistence. I am grateful for the financial wherewithal to rebook a flight. I am grateful for what will be a great event, despite the hurdles.